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September 2017

First Breakthrough for West Connex M4 East

The NorthConnex and WestConnex projects are two of the largest road expansion projects currently underway in Sydney, Australia. On the WestConnex section, which is being operated independent of the NorthConnex works, VMT has achieved contract wins for its equipment on Stage 1B M4 East and Stage 2 New M5, making this the largest supply contract in the company’s history. (mehr …)

Mai 2017

Neue Produkt-Website

Produktinformationen, Filme, Fotos, Referenzprojekte und mehr rund um unser modulares Produktions- und Logistik Managementsystem SDS stehen Ihnen ab jetzt auf unserer neuen, modernen SDS Produkt-Website zur Verfügung. (mehr …)