The breakthrough of the ITD Cementation India Ltd project in Ahmedabad saw the completion of our first microtunnelling project using Augmented Reality glasses, with a fully remote commissioning.
AR is changing the face of the tunnelling industry, meaning that we’re beside you all the way – even when not physically on site. M. Prakash, TBM Operator from Herrenknecht AG India, said,
“VMT’s project engineers shared the materials and instruction videos of the setup, helping us to know the systems before actually going to the jobsite. On the jobsite Mr. Przemyslaw Rutkowski supported us for setting up the whole system that includes fixing various boxes, PC, and HWL setup. During the drive whenever we had doubts we got immediate support from him.”
Here’s a snapshot of the moments Prezmek got to experience and assist with on site in India, all while sitting in the office in Germany.
Over the last few months we’ve been pouring our heart and soul into a brand new website for our business unit “Metrology”.
Although the English site is still under construction, here’s a sneak preview of the charming illustrations that are part of the modern web design.
The German IMS website can be viewed at English version soon to follow!