Januar 2021
Introducing the Teachbox
Check out the latest innovation from our product management team!
When no internal sensors are available on a roadheader, wireline sensors are used to measure the horizontal and vertical movement of the cutting arm. As those of you in the industry will know, these sensors are difficult to recalibrate and the wire is difficult to replace; too much time and money are spent fixing them, recalibrating them and throwing them away. Our team has come up with a clever little product to tackle this problem: the Teachbox, combined with our new generation wireline sensors.
The new sensors feature separate compartments for the wiring and electronics, enabling the user to easily replace the wire – while maintaining accuracy – instead of purchasing a whole new sensor. The Teachbox’s inbuilt chargeable battery means that it can be used anytime, anywhere.
Less downtime, less expense, more production. All you have to do is press TEACH.
Get in touch with Marvin Pfingst, our Sales Manager for Conventional Tunnelling, to learn more.